

package zookeeper

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ApiErrorException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    API errors.

  2. case class AuthFailedException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Client authentication failed

  3. case class BadArgumentsException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Invalid arguments

  4. case class BadVersionException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Version conflict

  5. case class CheckVersionRequest(path: String, version: Int) extends OpRequest with Product with Serializable

  6. case class ConnectResponse(protocolVersion: Int, timeOut: Duration, sessionId: Long, passwd: Array[Byte], isRO: Boolean) extends Response with Product with Serializable

  7. case class ConnectionLossException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Connection to the server has been lost

  8. case class CouldNotConnect(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

  9. case class Create2Request(path: String, data: Array[Byte], aclList: Seq[ACL], createMode: Int) extends Request with OpRequest with Product with Serializable

  10. case class Create2Response(path: String, stat: Stat) extends Response with OpResult with Product with Serializable

  11. case class CreateRequest(path: String, data: Array[Byte], aclList: Seq[ACL], createMode: Int) extends Request with OpRequest with Product with Serializable

  12. case class CreateResponse(path: String) extends Response with OpResult with Product with Serializable

  13. case class DataInconsistencyException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    A data inconsistency was found

  14. case class DeleteRequest(path: String, version: Int) extends Request with OpRequest with Product with Serializable

  15. case class EmptyResponse() extends Response with OpResult with Product with Serializable

  16. case class EphemeralOnLocalSessionException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Attempt to create ephemeral node on a local session

  17. case class ErrorResponse(exception: ZookeeperException) extends OpResult with Product with Serializable

  18. case class ExistsResponse(stat: Option[Stat], watcher: Option[Watcher]) extends Response with Product with Serializable

  19. case class GetACLResponse(acl: Seq[ACL], stat: Stat) extends Response with Product with Serializable

  20. case class GetChildren2Response(children: Seq[String], stat: Stat, watcher: Option[Watcher]) extends Response with Product with Serializable

  21. case class GetChildrenResponse(children: Seq[String], watcher: Option[Watcher]) extends Response with Product with Serializable

  22. case class GetDataResponse(data: Array[Byte], stat: Stat, watcher: Option[Watcher]) extends Response with Product with Serializable

  23. sealed trait GlobalRep extends AnyRef

    Mother of all responses, used to describe what a response can do.

  24. sealed trait GlobalRepDecoder[T <: GlobalRep] extends AnyRef

    Describes what a response decoder must do

  25. sealed trait GlobalRequest extends AnyRef

    Mother of all requests

  26. case class InvalidAclException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Invalid ACL specified

  27. case class InvalidCallbackException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Invalid callback specified

  28. case class MarshallingErrorException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Error while marshalling or unmarshalling data

  29. case class NewConfigNoQuorumException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    No quorum of new config is connected and up-to-date with the leader of last committed config - try invoking reconfiguration after new servers are connected and synced

  30. case class NoAuthException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Not authenticated

  31. case class NoChildrenForEphemeralsException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Ephemeral nodes may not have children

  32. case class NoNodeException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Node does not exist

  33. case class NoRwServerFound(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

  34. case class NoServerFound(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

  35. case class NoWatcherException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Attempts to remove a non-existing watcher

  36. case class NodeExistsException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    The node already exists

  37. case class NotEmptyException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    The node has children

  38. case class NotReadOnlyException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    State-changing request is passed to read-only server

  39. case class OkException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

  40. sealed trait OpRequest extends GlobalRequest

    OpRequest is used to compose a Transaction request.

  41. sealed trait OpResult extends GlobalRep

    OpResult is used to compose a Transaction response.

  42. case class OperationTimeoutException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Operation timeout

  43. case class ReconfigInProgressException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Another reconfiguration is in progress -- concurrent reconfigs not supported (yet)

  44. case class ReplyHeader(xid: Int, zxid: Long, err: Int) extends RepHeader with Product with Serializable

  45. sealed trait Request extends GlobalRequest

    Unique request, used to send basic zookeeper request and also to configure the dispatcher at session creation.

  46. sealed trait Response extends GlobalRep

    Unique response, used to answer to a Request

  47. case class RuntimeInconsistencyException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    A runtime inconsistency was found

  48. case class SessionExpiredException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    The session has been expired by the server

  49. case class SessionMovedException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Session moved to another server, so operation is ignored

  50. case class SetACLResponse(stat: Stat) extends Response with Product with Serializable

  51. case class SetDataRequest(path: String, data: Array[Byte], version: Int) extends Request with OpRequest with Product with Serializable

  52. case class SetDataResponse(stat: Stat) extends Response with OpResult with Product with Serializable

  53. case class SyncResponse(path: String) extends Response with Product with Serializable

  54. case class SystemErrorException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    System and server-side errors.

  55. case class TransactionResponse(responseList: Seq[OpResult]) extends Response with Product with Serializable

  56. case class UnimplementedException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Operation is unimplemented

  57. case class WatchEvent(typ: Int, state: Int, path: String) extends Response with Product with Serializable

  58. case class ZkDecodingException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    Error while decoding a Buf

  59. case class ZkDispatchingException(msg: String) extends ZookeeperException with Product with Serializable

    ZooKeeper client internal error

  60. class ZookeeperClient extends StackClientLike[ReqPacket, RepPacket, ChannelBuffer, ChannelBuffer, ZookeeperClient] with ZookeeperRichClient

  61. class ZookeeperException extends RuntimeException

  62. trait ZookeeperRichClient extends AnyRef

    -- ZkDispatcher The zookeeper protocol allows the server to send notifications with model is not basically supported by Finagle, that's the reason why we are using a dedicated dispatcher based on SerialClientDispatcher and GenSerialClientDispatcher.

Value Members

  1. object Zookeeper extends ZookeeperClient

  2. object ZookeeperDefs

  3. object ZookeeperException extends Serializable

  4. object ZookeeperStackClient extends StackClient[ReqPacket, RepPacket, ChannelBuffer, ChannelBuffer]

  5. package client

  6. package connection

  7. package data

  8. package session

  9. package transport

  10. package utils

  11. package watcher
