tl;dr AsyncStream is replacing Spool.
Big shoutout to Neuman Vong, who designed and built AsyncStream soup to nuts ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)
We know and love Spool, the Twitter util tool for asynchronous object streaming. The main advantages of asynchronous stream processing are that it makes it easy to exert backpressure by no longer reading from the stream, it’s easy to map over it lazily and asynchronously, and unlike a Stream of Futures, it’s simple to discover the end of the collection without having to resort to making it blocking, or allowing users to grab Futures past the end of the stream.
However, since we’ve had a long time to experiment with it, we’ve found that there are places where
Spool is a little clumsy. For example, the flatMap
operation in Spool isn’t associative, some of
the flatMap behavior is unintuitive, and the API is a little messy. Taking lessons from our
experience with Spool, we are proud to announce ~AsyncStream~, as an improved API for
asynchronous object streaming. Several twitter services spent months experimenting with it, and we
decided we were confident enough in it a few months ago to consider it stable. We like it a lot,
and we hope you like it too.
We’ve taken care with the API to make it more pleasant to use, while still keeping the APIs that worked well with Spool, so migration shouldn’t be too painful (migration guide in appendix below). We’ve also benchmarked it carefully, to ensure that we don’t regress–in fact, it should be faster and entail less GC pressure than before. We aren’t planning to deprecate Spool immediately, but we’re targeting all new features and performance optimizations for AsyncStream, so if you’re a heavy user of Spool, you should strongly consider migrating to AsyncStream.
Here are the differences in microbenchmark results between AsyncStream and Spool, when trying to use them as conduits for moving objects through. The first one (like asyncStream) measures how fast an operation is on average, and the second one (like asyncStream:·gc.alloc.rate.norm) measures how many bytes are allocated per operation on average. Lower is better.
threads score
asyncStream 1 162.707 ± 39.933 ns/op
asyncStream:·gc.alloc.rate.norm 1 232.000 ± 0.001 B/op
spool 1 11.280 ± 324.364 ns/op
spool:·gc.alloc.rate.norm 1 752.001 ± 0.003 B/op
asyncStream 2 514.126 ± 87.914 ns/op
asyncStream:·gc.alloc.rate.norm 2 688.001 ± 0.003 B/op
spool 2 942.653 ± 111.403 ns/op
spool:·gc.alloc.rate.norm 2 1344.001 ± 0.005 B/op
asyncStream 5 1609.987 ± 718.745 ns/op
asyncStream:·gc.alloc.rate.norm 5 2248.003 ± 0.009 B/op
spool 5 2792.601 ± 1238.565 ns/op
spool:·gc.alloc.rate.norm 5 3120.005 ± 0.019 B/op
asyncStream 10 3214.592 ± 843.915 ns/op
asyncStream:·gc.alloc.rate.norm 10 4848.005 ± 0.016 B/op
spool 10 4235.138 ± 1448.331 ns/op
spool:·gc.alloc.rate.norm 10 6080.006 ± 0.020 B/op
As you can see, we have improvements across the board for every number of threads.
import com.twitter.concurrent.Spool
import com.twitter.util.Future
// Construction from a materialized value
val result: String = "wonderful string" // materialized wonderful string
val spool: Spool[String] = result *:: Future.value(Spool.empty)
// Construction from a Future
def getString(): Future[String] = myService.getString("wonderful string") // gets a wonderful string
val unforced: () => Future[Spool[String]] =
() => getString().map { string => string *:: Future.value(Spool.empty) }
// Construction from a Seq
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val spool: Spool[String] = Spool.fromSeq(results)
// Construction from a function
def getNext(): Future[String] = myService.getNext()
def mkStream(): Future[Spool[String]] = getNext().map { string => string *:: mkStream() }
val unforced: () => Future[Spool[String]] = () => mkStream()
import com.twitter.concurrent.AsyncStream
import com.twitter.util.Future
// Construction from a materialized value
val result: String = "wonderful string" // materialized wonderful string
val spool: AsyncStream[String] = AsyncStream.of(result)
// Construction from a Future
def getString(): Future[String] = myService.getString("wonderful string") // gets a wonderful string
val unforced: () => AsyncStream =
() => AsyncStream.fromFuture(getString())
// Construction from a Seq
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val spool: AsyncStream[String] = AsyncStream.fromSeq(results)
// Construction from a function
def getNext(): Future[String] = myService.getNext()
def mkStream(): AsyncStream[String] = AsyncStream.fromFuture(getNext()) ++ mkStream()
val unforced: () => AsyncStream[String] = () => mkStream()
import com.twitter.concurrent.Spool
import com.twitter.util.Future
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val spool: Spool[String] = Spool.fromSeq(results)
spool.foreach { string =>"love to log my string $string") }
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val spool: Spool[String] = Spool.fromSeq(results)
val newSpool: Spool[Int] = { string => string.length }
import com.twitter.concurrent.AsyncStream
import com.twitter.util.Future
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val stream: AsyncStream[String] = AsyncStream.fromSeq(results)
stream.foreach { string =>"love to log my string $string") }
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val stream: AsyncStream[String] = AsyncStream.fromSeq(results)
val newStream: AsyncStream[Int] = { string => string.length }
import com.twitter.concurrent.Spool
import com.twitter.util.Future
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val spool: Spool[String] = Spool.fromSeq(results)
val fullyFolded: Future[String] = spool.foldLeft("") { (acc, item) => acc ++ item }
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val spool: Spool[String] = Spool.fromSeq(results)
def recursing(spool: Spool[String]): Future[String] = spool.headOption match {
case Some(head) => if (head.length < 6) spool.tail.flatMap {
next => recursing(next).map { rest => spool.head ++ rest }
} else Future.value(head)
case None => Future.value("")
val partiallyForced: Future[String] = recursing(spool)
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val spool: Spool[String] = Spool.fromSeq(results)
def split(item: String): Spool[String] = Spool.fromSeq(item.grouped(1).toSeq)
val result: Future[Spool[String]] = spool.flatMap { item => Future.value(split(item)) }
import com.twitter.concurrent.AsyncStream
import com.twitter.util.Future
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val stream: AsyncStream[String] = AsyncStream.fromSeq(results)
val fullyFolded: Future[String] = stream.foldLeft("") { (acc, item) => acc ++ item }
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val stream: AsyncStream[String] = AsyncStream.fromSeq(results)
def continue(next: String, acc: => Future[String]): Future[String] = if (next.length > 6) Future.value(next) else {
string => next ++ string
val partiallyForced: Future[String] = stream.foldRight(Future.value(""))(continue _)
val results: Seq[String] = Seq("i", "have", "many", "wonderful", "strings") // many nice strings
val stream: AsyncStream[String] = AsyncStream.fromSeq(results)
def split(item: String): AsyncStream[String] = AsyncStream.fromSeq(item.grouped(1).toSeq)
val result: AsyncStream[String] = stream.flatMap(split)