Ruben Oanta


Posted July 22, 2020

July 2020 Release Notes - Version 20.7.0

Hi folks! Our July release is here – enjoy!


Breaking API Changes

  • finagle-core: Correct the spelling of Tracing.recordClientSendFrargmet() to Tracing.recordClientSendFragment() 30726c01
  • finagle-redis: Use StrictKeyCommand for XDEL d174f9d6
  • finagle-toggle: Toggle.isDefinedAt(i: Int) has become Toggle.isDefined. Additionally, a new method Toggle.isUndefined has been added. 3bb78ce8
  • finagle-zipkin-scribe: The scribe.thrift file was moved to finagle-thrift/src/main/thrift under a new namespace. com.twitter.finagle.thrift.scribe.(thrift|thriftscala) 01a20b79

Bug Fixes

  • finagle-zipkin-scribe: The scribe client should be configured using the NullTracer. Otherwise, spans produced by the client stack will be sampled at initialSampleRate. 0446dd3e



  • inject-app: Adding flag converters for (including comma-separated variants). 48429870
  • finatra-kafka-streams: Added TracingKafkaClientSupplier to provide TracingKafkaProducer and TracingKafkaConsumer to enable Zipkin tracing. Tracing can be enabled with the toggle com.twitter.finatra.kafka.TracingEnabled. fd2c5e0d
  • finatra-kafka: Added TracingKafkaProducer and TracingKafkaConsumer to enable Zipkin tracing for Kafka. and FinagleKafkaConsumerBuilder.buildClient() now return instances of TracingKafkaProducer and TracingKafkaConsumer respectively with tracing enabled by default. Tracing can be enabled with the toggle com.twitter.finatra.kafka.TracingEnabled. d0d8a060


  • finatra: Update org.scalatest dependency to 3.1.2 and introduce finer-grained dependencies on org.scalatestplus artifacts. ceccb7c5 fbb7b535
  • inject-thrift-client: Remove unused ClientId property from ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule#provideServicePerEndpoint method. 381853f8
  • inject-server: Improve startup time of EmbeddedTwitterServer by observing lifecycle events to determine startup, where previously we were doing 1 second polls. The nonInjectableServerStarted property is removed and isStarted should be referenced regardless of the type of underlying twitterServer type. The end result should see a faster test execution feedback loop. Our Finatra test targets range from a roughly 2x to 10x reduction in execution times.

    You may experience new test failures in cases where an exception is thrown as part of c.t.inject.TwitterServer.start() or c.t.server.TwitterServer.main() and the test would have expected a failure as part of startup. As the error takes place after the startup lifecycle, you may now need to Await.result the EmbeddedTwitterServer.mainResult() to assert the error.

    You may also experience some new non-deterministic behavior when testing against PubSub style logic. As the server may be started earlier, your tests may be relying on assumptions that an event would have occurred within the previous 1 second startup poll, which is no longer guaranteed. You may need to adjust your test logic to account for this behavior.


  • finatra: Update dependency to 4.2.3 and net.codingwell.scala-guice to version 4.2.11. The net.codingwell.scala-guice library has switched from Manifests to TypeTags for transparent binding and injector key creation. The c.t.inject.TwitterModule has moved from its custom bind DSL to the scalaguice.ScalaModule which brings the TwitterModule inline with both the TwitterPrivateModule and the bind[T] test DSL to now have the same consistent binding DSL across all three. Thus, there is no more confusing bindSingleton function in the TwitterModule bind API.

    Upgrading scalaguice helps move a necessary dependency of Finatra to a version which is Scala 2.13 compatible moving Finatra closer to Scala 2.13 support. 26c1e810 5faa2e6f


  • inject-app: Having two sets of flag converters for primitive types (both Java and Scala) confuses the DI runtime, preventing the injection. We now have only a single set of converters, based off Scala primitive types. 9c1b0d68


New Features

  • util-app: Add ability to observe App lifecycle events. 2d2e6803

Twitter Server

Breaking API Changes

  • Make Lifecycle and Lifecycle.Warmup self-typed to TwitterServer. Lifecycle was previously self-typed to and Lifecycle.Warmup previously had no self-type restrictions. These traits can now only be mixed into instances of TwitterServer. The Lifecycle.DetatchedWarmup trait is introduced to allow users to transition to it, where they were previously extending Lifecycle.Warmup without mixing into a TwitterServer. Lifecycle.DetatchedWarmup is immediately deprecated and will be removed in a future release. cb85a45f


  • scrooge-core: c.t.scrooge.ThriftStructMetaData has been changed from a concrete class to an abstract class with different implementations. To construct an object of ThriftStructMetaData, please now use one of the apply methods in the ThrifStructMetaData companion object. 05881d4d
  • scrooge-generator: Removed experiment-flag argument and replaced it with language-flag. Updated GeneratorFactory object and trait to match. 8fa0583c