Christopher Coco


Posted January 19, 2021

❄️ January 2021 Release Notes - Version 21.1.0

A new year, a new release! 🎆


  • scrooge: Scrooge uses better size estimate for Map/Set containers in read() to improve performance in Java. b1ebce81


New Features

Bug Fixes

  • finagle-core: Fix wraparound bug in Ring.weight, as reported by @nvartolomei c4dc4fdc
  • finagle-mysql: Update the UTF8 character set to cover those added in MySQL 8. 25e581bb
  • finagle-thriftmux: Fixed a bug where connections were not established eagerly in ThriftMux MethodBuilder even when eager connections was enabled. ec67d48a

Runtime Behavior Changes

  • finagle-mysql: Don’t use the full query when adding tracing annotations. b215d255


  • Add separator_char field to the top level of the Metrics Metadata endpoint and bump the endpoints version number to 2.1. 38a437b8



  • kafka: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. Note that kafka 2.5 is bundled with scala 2.13+ and kafka 2.2 is bundled with scala 2.12-. 7bdba713
  • kafkaStreams: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. Note that kafka 2.5 is bundled with scala 2.13+ and kafka 2.2 is bundled with scala 2.12-. 7bdba713
  • benchmarks: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. c811e18a
  • inject-thrift-client-http-mapper: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. 7c3f13ba
  • http-mustache: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. 7c3f13ba
  • thrift: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Removed JavaThriftRouter.add(controller, protocolFactory) method. Use AbstractThriftServer.configureThriftServer to override Thrift-specific stack params (including Thrift.param.ProtocolFactory). bc34aa7b
  • finatra-http: Remove deprecated c.t.finatra.http.response.StreamingResponse. Use c.t.finatra.http.streaming.StreamingResponse instead. 851a06a5
  • finatra-kafka-streams: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Changed the delayWithStore DSL call to ensure that the store name is consistent across shards. Requires a new storeName parameter to allow for multiple delays in a single topology. 7373b478


  • finatra-kafka-streams: Renamed implicit Kafka Streams DSL classes in order to permit multiple DSL extensions to be used in the same Kafka Streams topology. b48d4c5c
  • thrift: Fixed a bug where Thrift stack params (i.e., protocol factory) that are passed to AbstractThriftServer.configureThriftServer are ignored in JavaThriftRouter. bc34aa7b