Kyle Bahr


Posted January 18, 2022

January 2022 Release Notes - Version 22.1.0

Happy New Year! Ease yourself into the new year with our January release.


Breaking API Changes

  • util-jackson: The error message when failing to deserialize a character now correctly prints the non-character string. 4ddeaf89

Runtime Behavior Changes

  • util: Bump version of Jackson to 2.13.1. 4ddeaf89
  • util-core: Return suppressed exception information in Closable.sequence 2211f75b


No Changes


Runtime Behavior Changes

  • finagle: Bump version of Jackson to 2.13.1. 831b2512



  • http-server: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Allow for customization of the building of the HTTP and HTTPS ListeningServer constructs. This allows users to specify any additional configuration over the Finagle Service[-R, +R] that is constructed by the HttpRouter. The c.t.finatra.http.HttpServerTrait#build method has been replaced by two more specific versions: #buildHttpListeningServer and #buildHttpsListeningServer which are used in postWarmup to create the appropriate ListeningServer given it has a defined port value.

    We also update the EmbeddedHttpServer and EmbeddedHttpClient to allow for being able to run both the HTTP and HTTPS listening servers in tests. This is done by setting the httpsPortFlag to the value of https.port which will enable the binding of the HTTPS listening server to the ephemeral port in tests. 13a600ff

  • mysql-client: Add base client configuration in EmbeddedMysqlServer to enable for more robust testing setup. This would allow users to add configurations like charset. Added a overridable function createRichClient to MysqlClientModuleTrait to allow creating the mysql client in other ways like newRichClient(Finagle.Name, String). dc1de215


  • finatra: Bump version of Jackson to 2.13.1 79bd09c4

Twitter Server

Runtime Behavior Changes

  • Bump version of Jackson to 2.13.1. da33afe9