
  • package root

    This is the API documentation for finch

    This is the API documentation for finch

    Finch is a thin layer of purely functional basic blocks atop of [Finagle][finagle] for building composable HTTP APIs. Its mission is to provide the developers simple and robust HTTP primitives being as close as possible to the bare metal Finagle API.

    Finch uses multi-project structure and contains of the following _modules_:

    • core - the core classes/functions
    • argonaut - the JSON API support for the [Argonaut][argonaut] library
    • jackson - the JSON API support for the [Jackson][jackson] library
    • json4s - the JSON API support for the [JSON4S][json4s] library
    • circe - the JSON API support for the [Circe][circe] library
    • playjson - The JSON API support for the [PlayJson][playjson] library
    • sprayjson - The JSON API support for the [SprayJson][sprayjson] library
    • test - the test support classes/functions
    • oauth2 - the OAuth2 support backed by the [finagle-oauth2][finagle-oauth2] library
    • see - SSE ([Server Sent Events][server-sent-events]) support in Finch

    Please refer to the documentation for a more detailed introduction to the library.

    Definition Classes
  • package io
    Definition Classes
  • package finch

    This is a root package of the Finch library, which provides an immutable layer of functions and types atop of Finagle for writing lightweight HTTP services.

    This is a root package of the Finch library, which provides an immutable layer of functions and types atop of Finagle for writing lightweight HTTP services.

    Definition Classes
  • package argonaut
    Definition Classes
  • package circe
    Definition Classes
  • package div
    Definition Classes
  • package generic
    Definition Classes
  • package internal

    This package contains an internal-use only type-classes and utilities that power Finch's API.

    This package contains an internal-use only type-classes and utilities that power Finch's API.

    It's not recommended to use any of the internal API directly, since it might change without any deprecation cycles.

    Definition Classes
  • package iteratee

    Iteratee module

    Iteratee module

    Definition Classes
  • package refined
    Definition Classes
  • package sse
    Definition Classes
  • package streaming
    Definition Classes
  • package syntax

    Enables Sinatra-like syntax extensions for endpoints.

    Enables Sinatra-like syntax extensions for endpoints.

    Definition Classes
  • EndpointMapper
  • Mapper
  • ToTwitterFuture
  • scalaFutures
  • package test
    Definition Classes
  • package todo
    Definition Classes
  • package wrk
    Definition Classes



package syntax

Enables Sinatra-like syntax extensions for endpoints.

Linear Supertypes
EndpointMappers, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. syntax
  2. EndpointMappers
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class EndpointMapper[A] extends Endpoint[A]
  2. trait Mapper[A] extends AnyRef

    A type class that allows the Endpoint to be mapped to either A => B or A => Future[B].

  3. trait ToTwitterFuture[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Type class for conversion of some HKT (i.e.

    Type class for conversion of some HKT (i.e. scala.concurrent.Future) to com.twitter.util.Future

Value Members

  1. def connect[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is CONNECT and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  2. def delete[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is DELETE and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  3. def get[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is GET and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  4. def head[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is HEAD and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  5. def options[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is OPTIONS and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  6. def patch[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is PATCH and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  7. def post[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is POST and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  8. def put[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is PUT and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  9. def trace[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is TRACE and the underlying router endpoint on it.

    Definition Classes
  10. object Mapper extends HighPriorityMapperConversions
  11. object ToTwitterFuture
  12. object scalaFutures

    Enables Scala Futures support for Finch syntax.

Inherited from EndpointMappers

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
